Why hasn’t Congress acted on climate change? Because oil and gas companies are big contributors to their election campaigns. The biggest obstacle to climate action is political will, and one of the biggest influences on political will is money in politics.
But a first-of-its-kind gathering in our nation’s capital is putting We the People back in charge of OUR democracy.
Democracy Awakening — organized by Public Citizen, the NAACP, 350.org, MoveOn.org Civic Action, Sierra Club, Greenpeace USA, People For the American Way and over 200 other allies — will bring thousands of Americans to Washington, D.C., from April 16-18 for a long weekend of workshops, trainings, rallies, music, advocacy and direct action in support of money in politics reform and voting rights.
Thousands of people have said they want to attend and we need to call them to make sure they come. 350Hawaii will be joining a nationwide phonebanking effort from 1pm-3pm on Sunday, March 27, at 183 Pinana St. in Kailua. We’ll have a simple script to follow and the phone numbers of friendly people who just need a nudge to make this event historic.
We’ll have ono pupus and drinks. Please reply to blockard@350hawaii.org if you can help with this effort. Or you can do it from home at any time (but it’s not as fun!).
Brodie Lockard